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E65: Italy swings far-right with Meloni — why did this happen, and how do we fight back?
Perspectives on the Italian Election: The Victory of the Right and the Spectre of Fascism
David Broder - Giorgia Meloni and Italian fascism
Italy's Far Right Rises; Israel 'Mows Lawn' In Jenin w/ David Broder, Amjad Iraqi | MR Live
E56: The Establishment and the far-right: two sides of the same coin?
E61: The cost of living crisis – what’s causing it, how bad will it get, and how do we fix it?
Federico Dolce on Lavoro Se: DiEM25's radical new campaign to reclaim labour rights in Italy
Giorgia Meloni will become a magnificent Italian leader | Fred Pawle
Fascists Win in Italy: What Does It Mean for Europe, the US, and Russia?
Varoufakis destruye la economía de austeridad neoliberal en 30 segundos
Setting up DiEM25 in your country from scratch — an interview with Demos Ioakeim (Cyprus)
YANIS VAROUFAKIS : "Giorgia MELONI's victory is a major triumph of the liberal establishment."